Uckfield Singers From the Community for the Community
Uckfield SingersFrom the Community for the Community

History of The Uckfield Singers

Started by Frances Brett, Joan Cottrell, Susan Daniel, ‘Tricia Dann, Carolyn Reed, Jeanne Russell and Linda Walton in March 2007. After advertising in and around Uckfield for singers to form a new community choir, 45 people came along to our very first rehearsal on Monday 5th March 2007. By the end of our first term we had 75 members, men and women of all abilities. At the time of writing we have had to cap membership at 85 due to rehearsal space. Just four months later we held our first concert at the Civic Centre in July 2007. We had an audience of 260 and had to turn many more away. The Mayor and Councillors came along too and the evening was a terrific success. This has been repeated every July and forms our annual Summer Showcase concert.  


For a summary of committee members holding offices, please scroll to the end of the page.

Over the years we have held fundraising concerts in aid of many local charities. Below is a brief history of our activities.


  • 2024
  • June 29th. Our Summer Serenade concert raised £1,350 for Macmillan Nurses, from the raffle, collection buckets, and concert profits.
  • July 13th. Uckfield Singers took part in Proms on the Pitch at Uckfield Rugby Club, organisied by Uckfield Concert Brass.
  • 2023
  • April 1st.  We performed our first concert "Stage and Screen" under our new MD, Simon Gower, at the Uckfield Civic Centre. It was a great success, and the raffle raised £415 plus £180 exit collection for Headway Sussex.
  • May 1st. We did a 30 minute set at Holy Cross Spring Festival on Luxford Field. 
  • December 2nd. We sang in Holy Cross Church as part of their wonderful Festival of Christmas Trees,
  • December 15th. We performed our Christmas Concert. For the first time we held it in HolyCross Church, an experience we all enjoyed. There was no raffle, but collection buckets raised approximately £250 for local charity Baby2Baby and Beyond.
  • December 16th and 19th, small groups sang carols inside Waitrose with a collection bucket forBaby2Baby and Beyond. We raised almost £170.


  • 2022
  • December  We sang during the Friday late night shopping event, the Holy Cross Festival of Christmas Trees, entertained the Five Ash Down pop-in group, and raised money for The Children's Respite Trust singing carols in Waitrose,
  • June 2nd We took part in the Beacon Lighting event at Victoria Park to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, singing a variety of songs outdoors.
  • June 25th We held our Summer Concert in the Civic Centre, celebrating 15 years of the choir. Our performance was well received and we presented a cheque for £264.00 to a representative from Uckfield Foodbank from the raffle ticket sales.

  • Saturday 9th July The Singers opened the entertainment for Uckfield's Big Day Out on Luxford Field with a selection of our favourite songs. We received numerous compliments on our singing, but sadly it was to be our last performance with Goldi as our MD, as will be working abroad from September.

  • Sept 12th We rehearse with our new MD, Simon Gower, previously Director of Music at Uckfield College.


  • 2021
  • September 6th We finally get to meet and sing together again. We have held Zoom meetings for those that wished to, but it isn't the same as singing together. 
  • September 27th We have our final rehearsal with Jeffrey Lloyd-Roberts who leaves due to work commitments. Dan Card takes over as temporary MD.
  • November 13th. Our first public performance for nearly 2 years, we took part in the british Legion Centenary Concert in the Uckfield Civic Centre, which was organised by Uckfield Concert Brass.
  • November 15th Goldi Novkovic is appointed as MD.
  • December 3rd. Carol singing on the Uckfield FM stage during Late-night shopping. Just a small group, with only a recorded piano accompaniment and no conductor, but enjoyed by all who took part.
  • Saturday 18th, & Tuesday 21st December. A small group sang carols outside Waitrose and raised £99.58 for the Children's respite Trust.

  • 2020
  • January 20th Jeffrey Lloyd-Roberts joins the choir as Musical Director. Wendy Wasels continues as Deputy MD.
  • The rest of the year was cancelled due to Covid.


  • 2019
  • Saturday 20th July,We performed our last Summer Concert with our Musical Director, Monica Das, who is leaving because of new work commitments.

    Our raffle raised £360 for the Children's Respite Care charity, who provide help and respite for families with children needing special care.


  • 2018
  • Saturday 21st July,We performed our last Summer Concert with our Musical Director, Tina Gilnere, to a packed hall.

    Our raffle raised £490 for the Headway East Sussex charity, who provide help and support for people with brain injuries.

    Tina will be pursuing her operatic career and we are extremely sorry to see her go and will miss her enthusiasm, humour and musical expertise.

  • September, we start the new term under the leadership of Monica Das.

  • Saturday 10th November, we took part in a Remembrance Day concert (celebrating 100 years since the end of the WW1) at Holy Cross Church, singing A Flower Remembered. 

  • Saturday 8th december, we performed our Christmas Concert, Monica's first concert as MD. We raised £346 for Hospice in the Weald.


  • 2017
  • Saturday 4th March 2017 Our 10th Birthday Party was attended by 90 choir members, partners, guests, and friends.
  • Saturday 8th July 2017 The Uckfield Singers travelled to Eltham in South-East London to take part in a very successful concert hosted by the Greenwich Community Choir. 
  • Saturday 22nd July 2017, Our Summer Concert raised £425.25 for Chestnut Tree House Children's Hospice.
  • Monday 24th July 2017, we gave Sue Daniels gifts and a bespoke card as a Thank you for her 8 years as Chairman of the Choir as she stood down from the post. She was also granted the post of Honorary President of the Choir.
  • Saturday 9th December 2017, the Uckfield Singers gave their 11th annual Christmas Concert with Buxted Symphony Orchestra as guests. The Raffle raised £375 for Sussex Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance Service
  • 2016
  • Saturday 12th March 2016 Quiz Night raised £146 for Uckfield & Heathfield MS Group
  • Saturday 23rd July 2016 Our 10th Summer Concert raised £380 to be split between two local charities, the Blind & Partially Sighted Group and the Housebound and Friendship Club.
  • The Uckfield Singers held another sell-out concert on 3rd December 2016. We raised a grand total of £462.80 for the Sussex Air Ambulance.
  • 2015
  • Saturday 4th July 2015 Our 9th Summer Concert 'Midsummer Magic' raised £356 for our new community project, 'Sing with Us' - small groups of volunteers will visit care homes and community groups in Uckfield and it's surrounding villages to lead 'singalongs' of familiar music. The concert was a sell-out.
  • Monday 6th July - Tom Askaroff of CMP Studios, Eastbourne came along to the Belmont Centre to record our concert songs. For more information on recording a cd go to www.cmpstudios.co.uk
  • July 2015 We say a fond farewell to our Musical Director Wendy Wassels.
  • September 2015 We welcome Tina Gelnere as our new Musical Director.
  • Friday 4th December 2015 Late Night Shopping, singing around Santa's sleigh in Olive's Yard.
  • Saturday 5th December 2015 Singing on Uckfield FM stage in High Street (recorded by Uckfield FM).
  • Saturday 5th December 2015 Entertaining the folks at the Uckfield Lions Christmas Party in Nutley Village Hall.
  • 2014
  • We performed at a fundraising concert in Heathfield in March 2014 organised by Heathfield & Waldron Rotary. A cheque for £1,000 was presented to a representative of Macmillan Nurses. The money will be used to build a Macmillan unit at the Cancer Unit in Brighton. 
  • The Summer Concert 2014 'Sounds of Summer' raised £573.49 for Chailey Heritage.
  • Film Premiere of 'Voices of Jubilation' Birley Centre, Eastbourne. A lottery funded project history project by Sound Architect. The choir sang 'Sussex by the Sea' for the soundtrack. The film will be held for posterity by the Mass Observation Unit at The Keep for others to access long into the future.
  • Sang at the Fire Station Charity Day 20th Sept 2014. 
  • Sang carols at Raystede Animal Refuge Christmas fayre.
  • Christmas concert 20th Dec 2014 at Civic Centre - 2 performances - raising £300+ each for THE ROCKINGHORSE APPEAL & UCKFIELD FM.
  • 2013
  • Summer concert 2013 raised £613 for Macmillan CanceSupport.
  • Took part in Uckfield's Most Talented show organised by Uckfield Lions and Uckfield FM.
  • Free concert at Holy Cross church 5 Oct 2013 with invited French choir Au Cours De L'Iton raised over £300 church funds. We will be returning to France in May. 
  • A Christmas concert was held on Sunday 15 December 2013 with Uckfield Concert Brass at Civic Centre raised £885 for Sussex Cancer Fund for Treatment & Research. The concert was broadcast live by Uckfield FM. Big thankyou to sponsors: Fuller & Scott; Hands on History; Parker Building Supplies.


  • 2012
  • We auditioned for Britain's Got Talent;

  • We held our 5th anniversary birthday party with 120 members and guests;

  • We shared a concert in London with the Greenwich Community Choir;

  • We sang patriotic songs at the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations in Uckfield; raised £564 for the Housebound Club in Uckfield at our 6th Summer Concert at the Civic Centre - a complete sell-out!

  • We took part in The Bandstand Marathon in Uckfield 9.9.2012 to mark the closing of the Paralympics. £300 raised for our nominated charity - Demelza Hospice Care for Children.  

  • Buxted Park Hotel carol singing raised £100 for young carers 'Care for Carers' charity.  

  • The hugely successful sell-out Christmas concert with Uckfield Concert Brass helped raised£783.57 for HELP FOR HEROES.



Holders of Office:

Music Director
Sue Burton 2007-2010
Wendy Wasels 2010-2015
Tina Gelnere 2015-1018
Monica Das 2018-2019
Wendy Wasels 2019-2020
Jeffrey Lloyd-Roberts 2020-2021
Dan Card 2021(temp.)  
Goldi Novkovic 2021-2022
Simon Gower 2022-
Kim Retallick 2010-2022
Daphne Starnes 2022-
Tricia Dann 2007-2009
Sue Daniel 2009-2017 [Honorary President]
Nick Poole 2017-2022
Liz Lewis 2022-
Sue Daniel 2007-2009
Frances Brett 2009-2013
Elaine Morris 2014-2016
Julie Murray 2016-
Linda Walton 2007-2010
Elaine Morris 2010-2014
Joan Richards 2014-2022
Sue Ellison 2022-
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© Uckfield Singers